Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Advocating against Sheltered Workshops

Once again, I got arrested when I was in Washington DC, this time I had the pleasure of getting arrested with Daniel.  People have been asking me why I keep getting arrested when I go to Washington DC. Even though I usually have a smile on my face in the pictures, I am not doing this for the fun or to get attention, I get arrested for issues that I am very passionate about. I believe getting arrested sends a strong message about the importance of the issue. Last year’s issue was saving Medicaid for millions of people around the country, and it worked. 

The other reason I get arrested, is because it brings the issue to light. This year, I got arrested because I was fighting against “Sheltered Workshops”. Before getting arrested, many people did not know what a “sheltered workshop” was, but now people are starting to ask the questions. Sheltered Workshops are employment centers where  people with disabilities work and get paid pennies on the dollar. Some of these jobs includes tasks, such making plastic binders, making office supplies, etc.These companies makes millions of dollars while paying their workers sub-minimum wages. There was a Program, called ACCESS (ironically enough), that actually promotes the independence of people with disabilities by working in their sheltered workshops. I have a question...how is anyone going to achieve independence while making $2 or $3 a day??? This was the agency we were fighting against, obviously. 

The sad part of this whole issue, is not only that this is still happening in 2018, but that the families of the workers actually truly believe that these workshops are the best places for their children, siblings, etc. When asked, “Don’t you want more for your family member?” Their response “This is the most they can do. They’re happy.” Really???  They don’t believe their family member can do anymore?  Well, I may not know everything, but I can bet their self esteem would increase if they were given the opportunity to making more money and have the freedom to buy what they want, which would make them even happier. That is where our advocacy stops... in the home. The only way we can make change in the home is by changing the attitude in the community. This is why I got arrested, the community’s already talking about it, which will turn into education, which will turn I into advocacy. Advocacy is opening one mind at a time.